
Classification of Substation in Hydro Power Plant

Substation serve as sources of energy supply for the local areas of distribution in which these are located. Their main functions are to receive energy transmitted at high voltage from the generating stations reduce the voltage to a value appropriate for local distribution and provide facilities for switching. Some are:
 1. Simply Switching Stations
 2. Converting Substation
 3. Points for safety devices
 4. Feeders
 5. Synchronous Condensers
 6. Street lighting equipment

Classification of Substation can be done by different criteria, which are describes below :

1. According to Nature of Duties
        i. Step-Up or Primary Substation
       ii. Primary Grid Substation
      iii. Step- Down or Distribution Substations
2. According to Service Rendered
        i. Transformer Substations
       ii. Switching Substations
      iii. Converting Substations
3. According to Operating Voltage
        i. High Voltage Substation
       ii. Extra High Voltage Substation
      iii. Ultra High Voltage Substation
4. According to Importance
        i. Grid Substations
       ii. Tower Substations
5. According to Design
       i. Indoor Substations
      ii. Outdoor Substations
              a. Pole Mounted Substations
              b. Foundation Mounted Substations.