
about Delloite and Accenture but the other organizations like KMPG, PWC and McKINSEY&CO provide many services that are very helpful for any organization to grow.


·         Transform applications to outperform in a cloud-first, mobile-first world while modernizing legacy applications to accelerate to the pace of business
·         Application Modernization
·         SAP
·         Architecture
·         Hybrid cloud
·         Cloud platform
·         Artificial intelligence
·         Security services
·         Mobility- Applications, testing, Internet of things(IOT)

·         Internet of things(IOT)
·         Design
·         Implementation
·         Recovery and transformation services
·         Sustainability and resource productivity
·         Supply chain management
·         Manufacturing and product development
·         Risk evaluation
·         Audit
a.       Quality focus
b.      Innovation
c.       Data analytics
·         Tax
a.       Accounting methods and credits
b.      Global mobility services
c.       Merger and acquisition
·         Advisory
a.       Management consulting
b.      Risk consulting
c.       Deal advisory
·         Strategic alliances
·         Audit and Assurance
·         Cyber security and Privacy
·         Risk assurance
·         Digital
·         Deals
a.       Acquisitions
b.      Alliances
c.       Crisis restructuring
·         Tax
·         Consulting
·         Audit and Assurance
·         Mergers and Acquisitions
·         Risk and Financial advisory
a.       Cyber risk
b.      Financial risk, transaction restructuring
c.       Internal audit

The above table shows important services and products offered by these organizations, as an IT aspirant the above companies provide a great opportunity for the growth of an organization. Through this discussion I have learnt many things about these organizations I only knew about Delloite and Accenture but the other organizations like KMPG, PWC and McKINSEY&CO provide many services that are very helpful for any organization to grow.
If I am IT manager I would choose the following companies
Application development: I choose ACCENTURE for this task as they have resources and required infrastructure and reputed service market. Accenture provides some versatile services such as cloud migration, application modernization and mobility services which help a organization to move quickly to integrate new features into an application    
Security: For this task I would source this to Delloite as their security standards are world standard revered, they provide additional services such as Tax audits and forensics for backtracking and detecting errors and malfunctions. They also provide consulting on mergers and business improvements
Business improvement and Marketing: For this operation I would choose KMPG because of their strategic alliances, these alliances provide a substantial leverage over other organizations, but this may change based on the issue at hand. The auditing and taxation service they provide are very useful in development of an organization. They also provide consulting and advisory on business expansion, mergers and acquisitions.

1)      NAVIGATE THE CHAOS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://www.accenture.com/us-en/technology-consulting-index
2)      Unlock the power of new technology to make your business applications future ready. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://www.accenture.com/us-en/applications-index
3)      Services. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://home.kpmg.com/us/en/home/services.html
4)      How We Help Clients | Risk. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/risk/how-we-help-clients
5)      P. (n.d.). Services. Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://www.pwc.com/us/en/services.html

6)      Risk Advisory | Deloitte Global | Risk Advisory. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/risk/topics/risk-advisory.html?icid=top_risk-advisory