
After reviewing the websites for Accenture, McKinsey, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, the table below compares and contrasts the IT consulting services that these companies offer.

After reviewing the websites for Accenture, McKinsey, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, the table below compares and contrasts the IT consulting services that these companies offer.
Information Technology (IT) Services
  1. New information technology (IT) services
  2. Artificial intelligence (AI) services
  3. Blockchain IT services
  4. IT security services
  5. Cloud computing services
  6. High Velocity ERP services
  1. Development of comprehensive digital strategies and governance models services
  2. Designing roadmaps for the future IT architecture
  3. Implementing a lean approach in application development, maintenance, and IT infrastructure
  4. Performing digital capability-gap analysis
  1. Digital strategy and innovation
  2. Digital consumer services
  3. Smart 21st century enterprise
  4. Lean and intelligence operations services
  5. Smart assets services
  6. Connected partner ecosystem services
  1. IT risk and resilience
  2. IT alignment to business services
  3. ERP risk and controls services
  4. General data protection regulation services
If I were an IT manager the following are the companies I would employ as a vendor for my business between Accenture, McKinsey, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, to help with cyber security, digital strategy, and business process issues.
Cyber Security Issues
For cyber security issues, I would employ Accenture because the company helps in building business resilience from inside out. Following this, Accenture is continuously innovating to help in providing next-generation cybersecurity services that can help business protect their entire value chain, end-to-end. Additionally, the company is the leader of the global security ecosystem of disruptors and are, therefore, helping organizations out-innovate attackers every single day.
Digital Strategy Issues
For digital strategy, I would employ KPMG. KPMG is the company that is known for the development of strategies that will also help my company solve major business challenges, deepen engagement with customers, and help in moving the business forward in today’s digital environment. KPMG’s digital strategy is divide into in-depth research, collaboration with the organization, and organization-specific goal setting.
Business Process Issues
For business process, I am going to employ PricewaterhouseCoopers. PricewaterhouseCoopers is known for helping companies comprehensively understand their strategic potential of technology and ways in which it can be integrated into everything they do. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ technology professionals can help my business accelerate the impact digital can have on the business.