
If I were an IT manager of a company, I would employ Deloitte Consulting as a vendor as this comprises of all the three concepts such as cyber security, digital strategy and Business Process issues.

  • Digital customer experience
  • Digital social media and collaboration
  • Digital commerce
  • Mobile Applications & Device testing
  • Frauds and Risk Analytics
McKinsey & Company
  • Global Banking pools
  • Finalta
  • MineLens
  • Panorama FinTech
  • VisualDoD
  • PriceMetrix
  • Digital strategy and innovation
  • Digital consumer
  • Smart 21st century enterprise
  • Lean and intelligent operations
  • Smart assets
  • Connected partner ecosystem
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digital operations
  • Digital products/ services
Deloitte Consulting
  • The Intuitive Enterprise
  • Capitalizing on digital influence in retail
  • Analytics/ Business optimization
  • Social media strategy/ platform
  • Search Marketing & Optimization
  • Campaign Management

If I were an IT manager of a company, I would employ Deloitte Consulting as a vendor as this comprises of all the three concepts such as cyber security, digital strategy and Business Process issues.
In cyber security, Deloitte's Cyber Risk practices generally recognized as the main worldwide security and also in the implementation practice, and is met all requirements to help customers react to developing digital dangers in a safe, cautious, and flexible way. Deloitte offers an extensive variety of digital security and assurance. This help organization with basic framework security, database and middleware assurance, foundation entrance testing, organize insurance, physical and stage assurance.
Vulnerability Management: Deloitte is mainly concentrated on helping customers outline and actualize inside controls, application security and protection means to address chances inside Enterprise Applications and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) executions/redesigns and business change ventures (solutionpartners, 2017, p. 1).
Application Security – Deloitte experts give significant bits of knowledge driven by industry experience and exclusive systems to address application security concerns. After fruition of the appraisal action, we give suggestions and driving practices as a piece of expectations to enable our customers to relieve the dangers watched while playing out the evaluation diagram.
Comparing Today’s digital and mobile devices give extraordinary access to data, items and administrations over an assortment of computerized channels. Organizations need to make a consistent brand understanding, anticipating their image plainly over the many touch focuses, channels and gadgets their clients utilize. They likewise need to use investigation and the abundance of information accessible in and around the business to detect and shape showcase openings in front of their opposition. Such an advanced methodology is an essential advance toward turning into an instinctive undertaking (deloitte, 2017, p. 1).
Over the past several decades, the business world has perseveringly sought after productivity driven business process reengineering, looking to coordinate, institutionalize, and computerize undertakings in ways that can lessen costs, increment speed, and convey more unsurprising results. As the scene shifts, maybe it's the ideal opportunity for associations to extend their concentration past business process reengineering to seek after business hone edesign, helping cutting edge workgroups to learn speedier and quicken execution change, particularly in situations that are formed by expanding vulnerability and surprising occasions. The point of view we plot here goes past the developing work done on high-performing groups and lithe practices by concentrating particularly on the practices important to quicken execution change after some time (deloitte, 2017, p. 1).
Company name
  McKinsey & Company
Deloitte Consulting
cyber security
digital strategy
Business process issues

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Hagel, J., et al. (2017). Beyond process How to get better, faster as “exceptions” become the rule. Retrieved from,
kpmg. (2017). Digital Consulting Services. Retrieved from,
mckinsey. (2017). Solutions. Retrieved from,
pwc.in. (2016). PwC India launches Digital Experience Centre to accelerate digital innovation and transformation. Retrieved from,
solutionpartners. (2017). Deloitte Digital. Retrieved from,